Hi there! I’m Kaden - a filmmaker, photographer and certified nostalgia-holic (lol). I discovered my passion for creative world as a young teen. Throughout my teen years, it was a hobby I enjoyed developing. Upon graduating in I had the opportunity shoot my first wedding and to be honest… it wasn’t love at first sight. But after a couple years of being in the industry it became apparent this was a career path I wanted to intentionally pursue. I fell in love with the beauty that is displayed in each couple’s unique story through the art of filmmaking. Upon working with me, you will find these three values to be a guiding force in our journey together:

Relationship - Whether we know each other already, or you are just getting to know me, I value our professional experience being built on the foundation of relationship. When we work together, I want to get to know you and your story as a couple. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I believe this serves me well in capturing you on your special day.

Romance - There is both excitement and mystery found in romance, my goal for your wedding day is to capture both. I am committed to looking for moments that show you are anticipating the life you are getting ready to embark on together, as well as the mystery of the unknown that you face. Romance will keep your relationship thriving in the high and low times, therefore, you will be left with footage that brings this to life.

Replay - With every film I strive to create something timeless and personal to you. This will not happen if the footage captured is not something you are excited about rewatching for the rest of your life. I want you to have moments that remind you of your “why” in the good times, bad times and everything in between.